MinceyFresh: 2003.12.28 #1 A Gundam Haro that I won from a UFO Catcher
MinceyFresh: 2003.12.28 #2 A Gundam Haro that I won from a UFO Catcher
MinceyFresh: Sora Cafe Latte 2 (back)
MinceyFresh: Sora Cafe Latte 1 (front)
MinceyFresh: Nestea Tottemo Mango Tea 1
MinceyFresh: Nestea Tottemo Mango Tea 2
MinceyFresh: Qoo character strap
MinceyFresh: Jelly 1
MinceyFresh: Jelly 2
MinceyFresh: Velfarre 9th Anniversary 2003 keychain
MinceyFresh: Velfarre 9th Anniversary keychain & CyberTrance logo keychain
MinceyFresh: Docodemo Issho (Together Wherever) Robot chillin
MinceyFresh: Docodemo Issho (Together Wherever) Robot talking on my cell
MinceyFresh: Kigurumix 1
MinceyFresh: Kigurumix 2
MinceyFresh: Kigurumix 3
MinceyFresh: Kigurumix 4
MinceyFresh: Kigurumix 5
MinceyFresh: Kigurumix 6
MinceyFresh: Rirakuma (Relax Bear) 2
MinceyFresh: Kigurumix 7
MinceyFresh: Rirakuma (Relax Bear) 1
MinceyFresh: Gokiburi Hoihoi
MinceyFresh: headphones w retractable cables
MinceyFresh: DSCF3527
MinceyFresh: DSCF3528
MinceyFresh: tabasco soy sauce
MinceyFresh: a whole bunch of tissue
MinceyFresh: DSCF4350
MinceyFresh: DSCF4351