Mince: Train to Finsbury Park
Mince: Relaxing
Mince: The Finish
Mince: Hill after the finish
Mince: Sulley
Mince: Hurdles
Mince: Down through the trees
Mince: Up through the trees
Mince: Up to the mast
Mince: Out of the trees
Mince: Starting the top bit up to the palace
Mince: Sumption charging across
Mince: South from the hill
Mince: Palace and mast
Mince: Sulley with cowbell
Mince: Ascending the steps
Mince: Bounding up
Mince: Watching the ascent
Mince: From the hill
Mince: Racing up the steps
Mince: At the top of the steps
Mince: Little green hat
Mince: Foot down
Mince: Argyle jersey
Mince: Down the other side
Mince: Slogging
Mince: Up after the finish
Mince: Round the bottom
Mince: Checking them through
Mince: Sumption stuffing his face