mimsmithfaro: a waiting to set out
mimsmithfaro: b mim and mae
mimsmithfaro: hudson takes lydia's picture
mimsmithfaro: n two buddies
mimsmithfaro: o two more
mimsmithfaro: p chocolate shake
mimsmithfaro: s a dylan's candy bar
mimsmithfaro: s b dylan's steps
mimsmithfaro: s c choosing
mimsmithfaro: s e more candy fun
mimsmithfaro: v lydia looks up
mimsmithfaro: v more beautiful lights
mimsmithfaro: Lydia at Sephora Times Square
mimsmithfaro: Lydia @ Kate's
mimsmithfaro: Central Park Artisan's Gate
mimsmithfaro: pigeon break
mimsmithfaro: street dance performers
mimsmithfaro: street performer2
mimsmithfaro: Dylan's Candy Bar
mimsmithfaro: Inside Dylan's
mimsmithfaro: Having Lunch at Johnny Rockets
mimsmithfaro: at the other end of the whisper arch
mimsmithfaro: NYC skyline