~mimo~: shielded realities~ Dubai
~mimo~: breeze kissed~ Dubai
~mimo~: when time stops~ Abu Dhabi
~mimo~: in the ocean of her imagination~ Dubai
~mimo~: when past, present and future decide to meet
~mimo~: captain of his own boat~ Dubai
~mimo~: "It's later than you think" whispered the ghost of tomorrows lost~
~mimo~: an ode to the desert sun~ Dubai
~mimo~: The life of a migrant worker~ Dubai
~mimo~: don't believe a story told by a sailor (especially a handsome one)~ Dubai
~mimo~: The forever narrowing road the wisdom~ Sharjah
~mimo~: Color me yellow~ Dubai
~mimo~: At the landing platform~ Dubai
~mimo~: Reaching new horizons~ liwa desert
~mimo~: Diamonds are forever~ Dubai
~mimo~: Beyond the sand~ liwa