calmingfocus: Trifecta
calmingfocus: IMG_0989
calmingfocus: Sea glass and holey shell
calmingfocus: Macro dogwood
calmingfocus: Close up drops
calmingfocus: Close up
calmingfocus: Thistle
calmingfocus: Bradford Pear Blooms
calmingfocus: IMG_1081
calmingfocus: IMG_1090
calmingfocus: IMG_1066
calmingfocus: square
calmingfocus: Tangerine Azalea
calmingfocus: Pink Azalea
calmingfocus: Purple Azalea Buds
calmingfocus: Little Shells from Shell Island, NC
calmingfocus: Little Shells from Shell Island, NC
calmingfocus: Little Shells from Shell Island, NC
calmingfocus: Little Shells from Shell Island, NC
calmingfocus: Little Shells from Shell Island, NC
calmingfocus: Little Shells from Shell Island, NC
calmingfocus: #FlickrFriday #spice
calmingfocus: After the rain
calmingfocus: 3 steak knife tips on blue fabric
calmingfocus: Queen Anne's Bud
calmingfocus: Shell Camo
calmingfocus: Where the rubber meets the road
calmingfocus: Spinach Leaf
calmingfocus: Micro Macro (that's a small straight pin)
calmingfocus: Macro Mondays Abstract