MiMi PORTIA: Cote A Cote
MiMi PORTIA: Cote A Cote
MiMi PORTIA: Raw Oyster Prawns Bay Lobster 海鮮拼盤 Seafood Platter—-Cote A Cote
MiMi PORTIA: Happy Meals --- Cote A Cote
MiMi PORTIA: 非常鮮甜
MiMi PORTIA: Aged Duck Breast with Orange Red Wine source
MiMi PORTIA: Amberjack Fish Carpaccio with Tiger's Milk Roasted Corn and Parlsey Oil
MiMi PORTIA: 透抽佐薄荷檸檬油Neritic Squid with Mint Lemon Salsa
MiMi PORTIA: 淡菜與爐烤紅椒湯Mussels in Roasted Pepper Soup
MiMi PORTIA: Brodetto with Clam and Linguine
MiMi PORTIA: Sauteed Malabar Spinach and Eggplant
MiMi PORTIA: Roasted Murray Cod Marinated Sweet Chili Tapenade
MiMi PORTIA: Profiteroles
MiMi PORTIA: Potato salad