ROL/Photos: Séduction..!
ROL/Photos: Almost (presque) invisible
ROL/Photos: Religious..!
ROL/Photos: This is my home..! Ici c'est chez moi..!
ROL/Photos: In its biotope
ROL/Photos: Au jardin
ROL/Photos: Smile of Asia
ROL/Photos: Poilu (à regarder en grand), hairy (to be viewed in large)
ROL/Photos: He is so cute.. and he is only 10 cm...! mignon il est.. et n'a que 10 cm...!
ROL/Photos: Un peu perdue.., a little lost..!
ROL/Photos: The sweetness in this world ...
ROL/Photos: Un des derniers avant l'hiver
ROL/Photos: Innocence
saracenovero: Aphantopus hyperanthus (13)
Ian Robin Jackson: Hover fly in Orange
bulbocode909: Rando Sex Rouge
miketabak: White-faced Ibis
Oric1: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe (Alcedo atthis)
Franck Zumella: cuckoo wasp - Hedychrum sp. Chrysis ignita - Chryside Enflammée - guepe coucou
HJP68: HERON CENDRE / Graureiher / Grey Heron
Claude R.: Speedy Martinez !
Patrick Blondel: Aigrette garzette - Egretta garzetta - Little egret
Martin Bärtges: Watchful between the rocks
Patrick Blondel: Héron cendré - Ardea cinerea - Grey heron
MachoPapilio: Essigbaum (Rhus typhina)
andriot.jac: Pouillot véloce
ornella sartore: Nella solitudine il solitario divora sé stesso, nella moltitudine lo divorano in molti. Ora scegli. ( Nietzsche)
ornella sartore: Essenza, colori e sfumature.