mimbrava: bare ruined choirs
mimbrava: Ruby-crowned kinglet
mimbrava: May I please come in?
mimbrava: 1.6 degrees!
mimbrava: snow on hemlock
mimbrava: a head dotted with snowflakes
mimbrava: "Aw, not again!"
mimbrava: only sky remains
mimbrava: ice is not nice
mimbrava: footprints
mimbrava: Zoe Bear is 15!
mimbrava: bonding
mimbrava: when shadows fall
mimbrava: junco on a maple branch
mimbrava: a rose for Rose
mimbrava: one happy family
mimbrava: Flickrversary 9 (two days early_darn meds!)
mimbrava: This is how a female bald eagle defends her little eaglet from an intruder
mimbrava: shadow and pollen
mimbrava: bad hair day
mimbrava: doin' the hokey pokey
mimbrava: asleep