mimbrava: shot after I killed it
mimbrava: carpenter bee on lantana
mimbrava: back and blue
mimbrava: in memoriam, September 11, 2001, five years later
mimbrava: mosaic mosiac 2
mimbrava: shasta daisy
mimbrava: clouds in the east at sunset
mimbrava: a baby step on canvas
mimbrava: dahlia 'osirium' life cycle
mimbrava: just another beautiful monarch
mimbrava: dipping deep
mimbrava: mating monarchs
mimbrava: partridge pea
mimbrava: chiaroscuro elephant
mimbrava: sunrise 10-16-06
mimbrava: black rhinocerus, head up
mimbrava: claws!
mimbrava: a failure, but happy slithery saturday anyway
mimbrava: for Mary Anne, on losing Meowser
mimbrava: double 'double delight'
mimbrava: gazania 'mahogany' redux
mimbrava: a wish
mimbrava: Happy Thanksgiving
mimbrava: turkey bread
mimbrava: glorious
mimbrava: memory of a golden day
mimbrava: sold!
mimbrava: bluebirds of happiness...which is what I wish you all for the new year
mimbrava: Come to the show!
mimbrava: bramble leaves on fence post