mimbles: Hot weather alternate accommodation
mimbles: Caramel, Tiny's bum and Toffee over the back
mimbles: Caramel checking out the box while Tiny and Carrots keep watch and Toffee hides
mimbles: Pile 'o bunnies
mimbles: Caramel, Tiny, Toffee and Carrots
mimbles: Chubs and Fuzzles in plastic hidey-hole
mimbles: Caramel has joined Chubs and Fuzzles
mimbles: Toffee contemplates joining them
mimbles: Tiny does not approve
mimbles: Carrots, otherwise know as Adventure Bunny
mimbles: Toffee wants in
mimbles: Caramel swaps spots with Toffee
mimbles: Now there's a queue
mimbles: Caramel squeezes in.