mimbles: Good lord, we found the carpet!
mimbles: Wine and model aeroplane storage
mimbles: We've yet to get to this corner
mimbles: The linen cupboard
mimbles: The other linen cupboard
mimbles: Ta-da!
mimbles: Why do we own so many beach towels?
mimbles: The enjo etc cupboard
mimbles: Where did all that space come from?
mimbles: The usual state of the front hall
mimbles: That's better
mimbles: Kitchen dumping ground
mimbles: I may even have alphabetised my spice rack
mimbles: Downstairs hallway
mimbles: Rumpus room/gym
mimbles: My bed is somewhere under all that
mimbles: Not much progress here
mimbles: The study is up and running
mimbles: Tom in his corner
mimbles: What am I going to do with this?
mimbles: So much better without the top bunk
mimbles: So. Much. Crap.
mimbles: Drive-through garage - cue mocking laughter
mimbles: Shelves in the front hall
mimbles: Sideboard in front hall
mimbles: It won't last.
mimbles: Shelves without junk pile in front
mimbles: Jack, offering to help declutter
mimbles: Samantha, laser-eyed defender of the pantry
mimbles: Lounge room, 1st corner (before)