Rory & Mim: The last of the sunflowers
Rory & Mim: Lots of wheat ahead
Rory & Mim: Which way again?
Rory & Mim: Hillside church near Belorado
Rory & Mim: Rorence of Arabia
Rory & Mim: Holy light!
Rory & Mim: Our growing collection of stamps
Rory & Mim: Memorial between Ages and Burgos
Rory & Mim: Burgos cathedral
Rory & Mim: Important post-siesta business in the plaza mayor, Burgos
Rory & Mim: Forest leaving Burgos
Rory & Mim: Meseta landscape
Rory & Mim: Big sky country
Rory & Mim: Messing about in the meseta
Rory & Mim: 60km in 2 days = waterworks
Rory & Mim: Templar Mim at San Anton
Rory & Mim: The woods at Itero de la Vega
Rory & Mim: On the bridge at Itero de la Vega
Rory & Mim: Sunrise near Boadilla del Camino
Rory & Mim: Sunrise near Boadilla del Camino
Rory & Mim: Castilla y Leon waymarkers
Rory & Mim: Meseta landscape
Rory & Mim: Still a ways to go
Rory & Mim: Lost in the Meseta
Rory & Mim: The good shepherd
Rory & Mim: Storm over the meseta
Rory & Mim: Just like home