MilwaukeeJohn: pieces of flare
MilwaukeeJohn: smirk with back
MilwaukeeJohn: apathetic orthodoxy
MilwaukeeJohn: before you were young
MilwaukeeJohn: after hours
MilwaukeeJohn: turn the radio on
MilwaukeeJohn: wipe the tears away from your eyes
MilwaukeeJohn: if you ever need me
MilwaukeeJohn: P9210035
MilwaukeeJohn: TIme To Start Thinking Pink
MilwaukeeJohn: left wanting
MilwaukeeJohn: things to come of things to go
MilwaukeeJohn: 7 pounds
MilwaukeeJohn: The Lovely Bones
MilwaukeeJohn: Into The Wild