Show Me Your Riffs..!: Street light in Szczecin, Poland
Show Me Your Riffs..!: Invisible commuters on the tram in Szczecin, Poland
Show Me Your Riffs..!: Invisible commuters on the tram in Szczecin, Poland #2
Show Me Your Riffs..!: Szczecin at dawn..
Show Me Your Riffs..!: Day tram from Last Night
Show Me Your Riffs..!: Late evening in Alter Ego bar, Szczecin Poland
Show Me Your Riffs..!: Space coach station in Szczecin, Poland
Show Me Your Riffs..!: Most of stairs you take are so difficult they have to be illuminated for you to even look at them..
Show Me Your Riffs..!: Szczecin rainbows pt. 1
Show Me Your Riffs..!: Szczecin rainbows pt. 5