Millie Motts: front cover
Millie Motts: golden west holiday
Millie Motts: cadbury's cup chocolate
Millie Motts: washing frocks
Millie Motts: in this number
Millie Motts: no man wants a clever wife
Millie Motts: no man wants a clever wife II
Millie Motts: tales out of school
Millie Motts: dinner date
Millie Motts: dinner party
Millie Motts: needles forward
Millie Motts: footnotes to fashion
Millie Motts: the younger set
Millie Motts: the younger set II
Millie Motts: fresh as a flower II
Millie Motts: fresh as a flower
Millie Motts: a perfect picture
Millie Motts: a perfect picture II
Millie Motts: wedding rehearsal
Millie Motts: wedding rehearsal II
Millie Motts: bourjois cosmetics
Millie Motts: london music festival
Millie Motts: should a husband tell?
Millie Motts: in the clink
Millie Motts: bachelor cigarettes
Millie Motts: vim and min
Millie Motts: coats for young daughters
Millie Motts: lucky in love?
Millie Motts: yardley lavender