Millie ♥: Retro beach - speechless
Millie ♥: Pink reflections
Millie ♥: Flying!!
Millie ♥: The sky and the sea
Millie ♥: Sun's rays
Millie ♥: Sundown at the beach
Millie ♥: A relaxing walk
Millie ♥: A perfect sunset
Millie ♥: The sea
Millie ♥: Forward ever, backward never
Millie ♥: Burrowing parrots and a movie evening
Millie ♥: Magical seascape
Millie ♥: Splash!!
Millie ♥: A great twisted splash!!
Millie ♥: The heavens declare the glory of God
Millie ♥: The sea and the sky pretending to be the protogonist
Millie ♥: For everything there is a fixed time, and a time for every business under the sun