milchpuder: 'david blackmore' M9+ wagyu sirloin, purée of 24-hour caramelized shallots, ‘cocotte’ of braised short ribs with wild mushrooms & croutons
milchpuder: Red amadai fennel & orange confit, ‘bottarga’ grated new potatoes, ‘bouillabaisse’ & manni olive oil emulsion
milchpuder: Tasmanian salmon, confit & smoked with avocado. Horseradish & granny smith apple
milchpuder: Langoustine with langoustine custard, Iberian pork floss, purée of garden peas & cévennes onion emulsion
milchpuder: Brown morels stuffed with minced corn-fed chicken simmered in yellow wine, seared langoustine & parmesan creamed spaghetti
milchpuder: yum strawberry pud
milchpuder: Interior of Amber Restaurant, The Landmark Mandarin Oriental