Craig J Bellamy: 93 Feet East Julian is on the lineup
Craig J Bellamy: 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, E1
Craig J Bellamy: 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, E1
Craig J Bellamy: 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, E1
Craig J Bellamy: 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, E1
Craig J Bellamy: A pic from about the first day I arrived at my new pad in London, January 2007
Craig J Bellamy: Before I was cool (but there is no after shot)
Craig J Bellamy: Ben, Julian, and Ally at 93 Feet East
Craig J Bellamy: Bermondsey pad, January 2007
Craig J Bellamy: Bermondsey pad, January 2007
Craig J Bellamy: Bermondsey
Craig J Bellamy: Chris in my pad in Bermondsey
Craig J Bellamy: Corner store near Bermondsey Street (complete with crime poster)
Craig J Bellamy: Genrifukt Bermondsey
Craig J Bellamy: Gentrifukt Bermondsey
Craig J Bellamy: Gentrifukt Bermondsey
Craig J Bellamy: Gentrifukt Bermondsey
Craig J Bellamy: Gentrifukt Bermondsey
Craig J Bellamy: Gentrifukt Bermondsey
Craig J Bellamy: Gerkin, city
Craig J Bellamy: How is this for surveillance (the congestion zone)
Craig J Bellamy: I squatted in this place in Bayswater in 1990!
Craig J Bellamy: Ian Henderson and Graham Willet at Pride 07
Craig J Bellamy: Julian and Ben and Ally, Berondsey, 2007
Craig J Bellamy: Julian DJ-ing at 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, E1 (2007)
Craig J Bellamy: Julian DJ-ing at 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, E1 (2007)
Craig J Bellamy: Julian my first house mate in London looking mean (2007)
Craig J Bellamy: Mark Hedges, one of my colleagues at King s, wedding, 2007
Craig J Bellamy: My room, Bermondsey pad, January 2007
Craig J Bellamy: Near the Bermondsey Tank