monkoflight: me in the tahoe
monkoflight: scenery
monkoflight: lovebirds
monkoflight: snow
monkoflight: scenery 2
monkoflight: gondola scares 'em
monkoflight: gondola
monkoflight: i am a myspace whore
monkoflight: midnight funtimes
monkoflight: night decisions
monkoflight: night decisions 2
monkoflight: james tired
monkoflight: adam tired
monkoflight: adam tired 2
monkoflight: the slope
monkoflight: james wipe out
monkoflight: adam wipe out
monkoflight: james wipe out 2
monkoflight: ski lift
monkoflight: dude wipe out
monkoflight: cute dad
monkoflight: adam and james going to the ski lift
monkoflight: adam and james going on the ski lift 2
monkoflight: me in a silly hat
monkoflight: me in silly hat 2
monkoflight: so cute!
monkoflight: adam with snowboarding gear
monkoflight: don't ask
monkoflight: DSC01110.JPG
monkoflight: DSC01109.JPG