Milepost 107: IMG_4158
Milepost 107: conrail twitty - american misfit
Milepost 107: Conrail Twitty - Raised Hell
Milepost 107: IMG_4142
Milepost 107: IMG_4140
Milepost 107: IMG_4135
Milepost 107: IMG_4137
Milepost 107: 27 dreams
Milepost 107: IMG_4136
Milepost 107: IMG_5468
Milepost 107: IMG_5470
Milepost 107: When tagging goes bad..
Milepost 107: IMG_5476
Milepost 107: memory bank wanderer
Milepost 107: IMG_5478
Milepost 107: IMG_5480
Milepost 107: IMG_5481
Milepost 107: BEER !
Milepost 107: goose bay oregon
Milepost 107: IMG_5488
Milepost 107: IMG_5494
Milepost 107: IMG_5496
Milepost 107: Golly G !
Milepost 107: faded past
Milepost 107: The duck
Milepost 107: Who's tag is this?
Milepost 107: b/w tagging ? Thankfully i shot this in raw and was able to convert it back to color
Milepost 107: IMG_6025