Milepost 107:
Last skunk
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ya its just that much fun
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crazy larry's crazy hands
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A Wale's of a Photo..
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Christmas JC
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I guess if you want to take photos while train pumps up.
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I dont know i guess i have coverage
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Keep em warm
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The WSOR road.
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Dont make me chuck this broom at you Heeren
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Winter Slows Our Railroad
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J3 respotting cars at Orfordville , Wi
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J3 respotting cars at Orfordville , Wi
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M3 shoves back to the Madison Rip track..
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Lucky 7 in the Fog.
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Lucky 7 in the fog
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Forgot all about this photo!
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Round the bend
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Sea of engines
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I miss the skunks!
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Well hello there how are you doing?
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3807 @ HQ.. There is a reason its behind a fence! This is down in the hood..
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Work Humor
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sticking out like a sore thumb!
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The one the only Duane!
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It just looks weird
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It just looks weird in that yellow paint