MillyDarkwatch: only love ...
MillyDarkwatch: "Use your smile to change the world but don’t let the world change your smile"
MillyDarkwatch: ... even if we disagree about everything we can still be kind to each other.
MillyDarkwatch: "the two most important days of life"
MillyDarkwatch: butterflies are free...
MillyDarkwatch: All We Need is Love and Sunsets. ...
MillyDarkwatch: about ... Life...
MillyDarkwatch: ... Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'
MillyDarkwatch: ...Good friends are like stars. We can't always see them but we're sure they're always there!
MillyDarkwatch: there are absences that are never absent...
MillyDarkwatch: my tears ... "I believe to my soul"
MillyDarkwatch: Light .... that never lack, inside us!
MillyDarkwatch: the right people in and out of our lives...
MillyDarkwatch: Nobody loses for giving love ... loses the one who does not know how to receive.
MillyDarkwatch: Friends...
MillyDarkwatch: Santa claus came early and brings me a Christmas Gift - ♥
MillyDarkwatch: "tanto me faz"
MillyDarkwatch: simply flow....