mild_swearwords: Emma Potter
mild_swearwords: Emma and her Grandpa
mild_swearwords: Christmas in the 80s
mild_swearwords: The Archibald Sisters
mild_swearwords: Emma and Rolf
mild_swearwords: Joyce in the sixties(?)
mild_swearwords: Emma's Grandfather
mild_swearwords: Joyce and Greg with their cats
mild_swearwords: Greg and Joyce's wedding
mild_swearwords: With the Cats
mild_swearwords: Greg and Joyce on the beach
mild_swearwords: Emma as a newborn
mild_swearwords: Joyce with Emma
mild_swearwords: Baby Emma
mild_swearwords: Emma with her Mother
mild_swearwords: Baby Emma
mild_swearwords: Baby Emma
mild_swearwords: Emma and Nicole from Stranger Things
mild_swearwords: Wearing our finest clothes!
mild_swearwords: IMG-20200403-WA0002
mild_swearwords: Little Emma