mild_swearwords: DSC00090
mild_swearwords: DSC00091
mild_swearwords: DSC00101
mild_swearwords: The Jungle
mild_swearwords: Our navigator
mild_swearwords: Riding in the back of the Jeep
mild_swearwords: The national park
mild_swearwords: Elephant on the side of the road
mild_swearwords: Mopeds
mild_swearwords: Monkeys to the right of me
mild_swearwords: Welcome dance
mild_swearwords: There were some very big bugs around
mild_swearwords: The Reservoir
mild_swearwords: Sunset
mild_swearwords: Happy after a day on safari
mild_swearwords: Te Kabini Resort
mild_swearwords: The Kabini resort
mild_swearwords: The Elephant
mild_swearwords: Domesticated Elephant
mild_swearwords: Riding the Elephant
mild_swearwords: Riding the Elephant
mild_swearwords: Riding the Elephant
mild_swearwords: Us riding on an Elephant
mild_swearwords: The reservoir
mild_swearwords: Our bed
mild_swearwords: Our private Jacuzzi
mild_swearwords: A bird's nest
mild_swearwords: The Bathroom