Milazzoyo: Greater Yellowlegs in Pond south of Hockley Texas, - Tringa melanoleuca
Milazzoyo: Red-naped Sapsucker Woodpecker. (Sphyrapicus muchalis)
Milazzoyo: Brown Pelican on Armand Bayou. - (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Milazzoyo: Eastern Phoebe, Sayornis Phoebe
Milazzoyo: Snowy Egret. (Egretta thula)
Milazzoyo: European Starling on Dead Tree, Tomball, TX. (Sturnus vulgaris)
Milazzoyo: Spooky European Starlings in Tomball Texas. (Sturnus vulgaris)
Milazzoyo: Eastern Bluebird at Kleb Woods Nature Preserve (Sialia sialis)
Milazzoyo: Cedar Waxwing near Tomball Texas. (Bombycilla cedrorum)
Milazzoyo: Swamp Sparrow at Warren Lake, Hockley Texas. (Melospiza georgiana)
Milazzoyo: Lincoln’s Sparrow on Post. (Melospiza lincolnii)
Milazzoyo: Eastern Meadowlark south of Hockley Texas. (Sturnella magna)
Milazzoyo: Western Meadowlark With a Tailwind. (Sturnella neglecta)
Milazzoyo: Eastern Phoebe at Kleb Woods. (Sayornis phoebe)
Milazzoyo: Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Kleb Woods. (Regulus calendula)
Milazzoyo: Brown Pelican blending into the Environment. (Pelecanus occidentalis)-
Milazzoyo: Eastern Phoebe in Galveston Texas. - sayornis phoebe
Milazzoyo: Brown Pelican on Final Approach = (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Milazzoyo: Brown Pelican. (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Milazzoyo: Brown Pelican Departure -(Pelecanus occidentalis)
Milazzoyo: Brown Pelican Airborne. -(Pelecanus occidentalis)
Milazzoyo: Brown Pelican Bathtime. -(Pelecanus occidentalis)
Milazzoyo: Laughing Gull. - Leucophaeus atricilla
Milazzoyo: Laughing Gull in Galveston. - Leucophaeus atricilla
Milazzoyo: Loggerhead Shrike with Skink Lunch. - Lanius ludovivianus
Milazzoyo: Brown Pelican in Galveston -Pelecanus Occidentalis
Milazzoyo: Brown Pelican Considering Things -Pelecanus Occidentalis
Milazzoyo: White Ibis with Snowy Egret
Milazzoyo: Snowy Egret in Galveston. - (Egretta thula)
Milazzoyo: White Ibis in Galveston. - Eudocimus albus