milantram: CHICAGO--2837 (IB), 5568 at Belmont
milantram: CHICAGO--5536 (IB), 3303 at Armitage
milantram: CHICAGO--Under The L @ Newport
milantram: CHICAGO--3453 (OB), 2764 at Howard Station
milantram: CHICAGO--1892/1992 at Howard Street Yard
milantram: CHICAGO--Appr Belmont Station OB
milantram: CHICAGO--6100s appr Belmont IB
milantram: CHICAGO--6276 appr Howard IB
milantram: CHICAGO--6107 n of Berwyn IB
milantram: CHICAGO--6100s appr Belmont OB
milantram: CHICAGO--2927 lv Fullerton OB
milantram: CHICAGO--Lake/State Station--Pictures On Wall
milantram: CHICAGO--Old Fullerton Station Headhouse
milantram: CHICAGO--Fullerton Station New Headhouse
milantram: CHICAGO--2721 arr Lake/State OB
milantram: CHICAGO--1992 at Sox/35th Street OB
milantram: CHICAGO--Lake Station, State Street Subway. 2 of 3
milantram: CHICAGO--Lake Station, State Street Subway. 1 of 3
milantram: CHICAGO--1992/1892 at Sox/35th Street Station OB
milantram: CHICAGO--1992/1892 lv Howard Street Yard
milantram: CHICAGO--3415 (top), 5603 appr Armitage OB
milantram: CHICAGO--3419 (Brown Line, l), 2639 appr Belmont OB
milantram: CHICAGO--5261 on 13th St Ramp SB
milantram: CHICAGO--5696 n of Addison OB
milantram: CHICAGO--7 Trains s of Belmont
milantram: CHICAGO--5601 appr Belmont IB
milantram: CHICAGO--5547 appr Addison IB
milantram: CHICAGO--5621 crossing Clark Street IB
milantram: CHICAGO--5698 at Clark/Chicago OB
milantram: CHICAGO--5646 passing Armitage IB