milantram: LISBON--330, 501 (IB) at/passing Santo Amaro Depot
milantram: LISBON--330 lv Belém Loop OB
milantram: LISBON--330 at Algés. 1 of 2
milantram: LISBON--330 at Algés. 2 of 2
milantram: LISBON--2 at Santo Amaro Depot
milantram: LISBON--1, 5 at Santo Amaro Depot
milantram: LISBON--283 (r), 330 at Santo Amaro Depot
milantram: LISBON--283 at Praça da Figueira
milantram: LISBON--283 (OB), 10 at Praça do Comercio
milantram: LISBON--283, 510 at Praça Corpo Santo OB
milantram: LISBON--283 at Largo Corpo Santo OB
milantram: LISBON--735 Controls