milantram: CLEVELAND--846 at S. Harbor IB
milantram: CLEVELAND--821 (IB), 303 at North Coast
milantram: CLEVELAND--838 at W. 3rd Street OB
milantram: CLEVELAND--807 at Flats East Bank IB. 2 of 2
milantram: CLEVELAND--813 at Flats East Bank OB
milantram: CLEVELAND--807 at Flats East Bank IB. 1 of 2
milantram: CLEVELAND--822 at Settlers Landing OB
milantram: CLEVELAND--823 at Settlers Landing OB
milantram: CLEVELAND--CA&E 303 (OB), 802 at Settlers Landing
milantram: CLEVELAND--822 on Red Line Viaduct w of Tower City
milantram: CLEVELAND--838 at Tower City
milantram: CLEVELAND--846 at E. 55th Street Station OB
milantram: CLEVELAND--802 at Shaker Square OB
milantram: CLEVELAND--802 at Shaker Square IB. View from Restaurant
milantram: CLEVELAND--849 at Drexmore OB
milantram: CLEVELAND--822 at Drexmore OB
milantram: CLEVELAND--841 at S. Woodland IB
milantram: CLEVELAND--CA&E 303 at Settlers Landing OB. 2 of 2
milantram: PHOENIX--182 at University Drive/Mill Avenue OB