mil8: Cookie!
mil8: Bubble Boy
mil8: yahoobartab
mil8: yahoobartab
mil8: yahoobartab
mil8: Louis Armstrong
mil8: yahoobartab
mil8: lego army
mil8: Rain on the way up to Mammoth
mil8: Sun on the way up to Mammoth
mil8: My MOO cards have arrived! woot!
mil8: Learning to cuddle
mil8: cody
mil8: Picture 112
mil8: Picture 110
mil8: Sydney
mil8: Sydney
mil8: Sydney
mil8: "They say, the smog is the reason we have such beautiful sunsets."
mil8: Griffith Observatory
mil8: salty
mil8: community next
mil8: Floyd Levin and Louis Armstrong - 4th of July, 1970
mil8: Say 'aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh'
mil8: Sydney's Bib
mil8: craiger_bw
mil8: Sydney
mil8: #10 at Cross Creek in (m.f.'ing Tumecula)
mil8: yahoobartab
mil8: yahoobartab