~Patti~: #1 words/100 pictures - Lots of words
~Patti~: #10 Hidden 100 pictures
~Patti~: #11 Architecture 100 pictures - Guest house that looks like a lighthouse!
~Patti~: #12 light - 100 pictures - Sunlight thru the leaves!
~Patti~: #13 dark 100 pictures Heading into the dark fog! #14 foggy EC 101 adjectives
~Patti~: #16 landscape 100 pictures - Walking the north jetty at cape disappointment state park!
~Patti~: #17 Season 100 pictures Summer at the coast of Washington - #10 favorite season 111 pictures of 2011
~Patti~: #19 ungulates - hooved animal -100 pictures
~Patti~: #21 windows -100 pictures
~Patti~: #22 Sun -100 pictures - Sun going down!
~Patti~: #23 movement 100 pictures Lots of water movement!
~Patti~: #24 food -100 pictures - Fresh fried clams!
~Patti~: #25 equipment 100 pictures
~Patti~: #29 machinery 100 pictures
~Patti~: #3 fog 100 pictures - Fading into the fog!
~Patti~: #31 Flight/100 pictures 2011 - Taking flight!
~Patti~: #32 celebration 100 pictures Friend Daughter Mother New Daughter-in-law!
~Patti~: #33 color - 100 pictures - Little piggies in a row!
~Patti~: #35 love 100 pictures
~Patti~: #36 collection 100 pictures
~Patti~: #38 B&W 100 pictures Rocky and Friend!
~Patti~: #39 close up macro 100 pictures of 2011
~Patti~: #41pets- 100 pictures - Snoozing in the sunlight!
~Patti~: #43 symmetry/100 pictures - 8/25 Days to Christmas Photo Challenge
~Patti~: #44 book(s) - 100 pictures - Just a few of our books
~Patti~: #46 Vintage 100 pictures Very old victorian home in Astoria
~Patti~: #47 bokeh/100 pictures 2011 - Pileated woodpecker (cropped)
~Patti~: #48 depth of field - 100 pictures - Wierd cloud at the beach today!
~Patti~: #48 Spooky/ 111 pictures of 2011 - Who knows what lies behind the gate! - #81 Gate /100 pictures
~Patti~: #49 out of place - 100 pictures - A rose among the driftwood!