MikoFox: Moose Dentures
MikoFox: A Piece of Heritage aka Junk on our Lot
MikoFox: Spruce sapling growing under fallen wasp nest
MikoFox: Sword Heirloom
MikoFox: Lake Monster Washed Ashore
MikoFox: Backyard Grizzly Droppings
MikoFox: Shed Moose Antlers
MikoFox: Birch - 665nm IR, Solarized
MikoFox: Birch-Another Version - 665nm IR, B&W, Solarized
MikoFox: 180 Grains of Flower Power - GX1 Full Spectrum, No Filter
MikoFox: The Copper Lily - GX1 Full Spectrum, No Filter
MikoFox: Dimwit Governments Dimming Edison's Great Invention - 830nm IR
MikoFox: Window Bombers
MikoFox: Yukon Tall Timber N.P. Road Construction and Landscaping not quite finished
MikoFox: Old Growth Drive Through
MikoFox: Strange Illumination in Snow
MikoFox: Muskrat Feeding Platform and Ice-through-hole - 830nm IR
MikoFox: For the first time after a walk, nobody complained we should have choosen the other side - 830nm IR
MikoFox: Apple's Camera App vs. Cortex Camera App Test Images [Image Averaging, Median Blending]
MikoFox: Tiffen Filters Explored - Schleich Moose against Window
MikoFox: "Pa, why don't I have antlers like you?"
MikoFox: Aurora Time - This is Exactly How They Looked — in my Mind. No I don't take drugs!
MikoFox: Picture 666 - I Cor 15:26: The Last Enemy that Shall be Destroyed is Death.
MikoFox: The Old Rugged Cross - Another 830nm IR Version
MikoFox: The Old Rugged Cross - Bokeh Version
MikoFox: The Old Rugged Cross - High Contrast - 830nm IR
MikoFox: Snow Puppies - Re-painted
MikoFox: Ancient Footprint?
MikoFox: Not Herman the Ermine...
MikoFox: Longbeak Magpie