MikoFox: Red Currant in Blossom
MikoFox: Spruce Buds
MikoFox: Highbush Cranberry Leaves
MikoFox: Birch Leaves
MikoFox: Yukon Orchid - Phalaenopsis Superstora
MikoFox: Yukon Wild Rose, Prickly Rose [Rosa acicularis]
MikoFox: Arctic Wintergreen [Pyrola grandiflora]
MikoFox: Bug on Labrador Tea Blossoms [Ledum palustre]
MikoFox: Dragonfly on Rose
MikoFox: Yellow Witches' Broom of Spruce [Picea spp.]
MikoFox: One-Leaf Orchid [Amerorchis rotundifolia]
MikoFox: Dwarf Raspberry [Rubus arcticus]
MikoFox: Bug on Shrubby Cinquefoil [Potentilla fruticosa]
MikoFox: Burl Tree in Fire Zone
MikoFox: Soapberry, Buffalo Berry, Soopolallie Bush [Shepherdia canadensis]
MikoFox: Mountain Death Camas [Zigadenus elegans]
MikoFox: Insects on Fireweed
MikoFox: One-Sided Wintergreen, Pyrola [Orthilia Secunda]
MikoFox: Highbush Cranberry Branch [Viburnum edule]
MikoFox: Fireweed [Epilobium angustifolium]
MikoFox: Long-horned Beetle on Mountain Death Camas
MikoFox: Fireweed [Epilobium angustifolium]
MikoFox: And another White Fireweed while they last
MikoFox: Dwarf Raspberry [Rubus arcticus]
MikoFox: Windmill-fringed Gentian [Gentianopsis dentosa]
MikoFox: Fireweed Fields at Little Fox Lake
MikoFox: Soapberries Ripening
MikoFox: Fireweed in the rain
MikoFox: Clouds over Fox Lake
MikoFox: Small Pond with Spruce that Survived the 1998 Fox Lake Fire