Michael Vance1:
The World Roars On
Michael Vance1:
Michael Vance1:
Without You
Michael Vance1:
X: Effervescent #5
Michael Vance1:
Rainy Woman
Michael Vance1:
Charles Wood (the magic lizard!)
Michael Vance1:
X: Effervescent #4 (Wet with God)
Michael Vance1:
Little Song (Small Jazz)
Michael Vance1:
Michael Vance1:
X: Effervescent #3: We are Brass
Michael Vance1:
Mutation Sonnet
Michael Vance1:
The Great Burp (The Burp of a Nation)
Michael Vance1:
(Oh, how sweet!) My Mouth Runneth Over With Mushmeat
Michael Vance1:
Michael Vance1:
My Dear Lady Ann
Michael Vance1:
Fish Sonnet
Michael Vance1:
Michael Vance1:
My Love is Like a River
Michael Vance1:
My Lub is Likda Riber
Michael Vance1:
Michael Vance1:
Lady Chastity
Michael Vance1:
X: Effervescent #2 (Sing a Mighty Song)
Michael Vance1:
Song for Linda
Michael Vance1:
American Gold
Michael Vance1:
Rubber Ducky (Parody #4)
Michael Vance1:
Suite Melting Summer Child
Michael Vance1:
Winter Sun
Michael Vance1:
Michael Vance1:
Michael Vance1:
City of Glass