mikl-em: before: order and unpainted
mikl-em: the before: this ain't no Jeopardy board
mikl-em: At Paul Hayes' participatory art work which starts at 4pm. That's the artist in the background.
mikl-em: Everyone gets instructions and paints at the designated coordinates
mikl-em: the intimidating view from row 15
mikl-em: The artist. Paul Hayes.
mikl-em: it starts as its own minimalism
mikl-em: 500 squares in all: here's 25 of 'em
mikl-em: let's keep the floor clean, people?
mikl-em: an outlet between F and G 20
mikl-em: detail at the junction
mikl-em: the suspense builds on the grid
mikl-em: Pic of Paul setting up at Minna. With ladder for scale.
mikl-em: The view from below.
mikl-em: Painting pixels to order at Paul's Art Experiment
mikl-em: Painting pixels to order at Paul's Art Experiment
mikl-em: Painting pixels to order at Paul's Art Experiment
mikl-em: Painting pixels to order at Paul's Art Experiment
mikl-em: early moments on the painting grid
mikl-em: teamwork needed for the upper pixels
mikl-em: The instructions cards and the paint table
mikl-em: some people just aren't even trying
mikl-em: F10 goes a bit sideways
mikl-em: askew view and striped sleeve
mikl-em: still work to do on the upper left