Miki James:
Rachael Raccoon - a family friend
Miki James:
Miki James:
Copy of Periodic Cicada - 2004
Miki James:
Copy of Lake Thoreau - Two headed goose
Miki James:
Two Geese by the lake - Thoreau
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Son holds baby goat
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Daughter feeds baby goat
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Kids bring in kids
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Grandchildren watch milking operation
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Great-Grandaughter holds smallest goat - other Great-Grandaughter watches 2
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Great-Grandaughter holds smallest goat - other Great-Grandaughter watches
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Great-Grandaughters & grandson feed baby goats
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Great-Grandaughter & grandson feed goats - Bekka watches
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Black & white goat gets the bottle
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Great-Grandaughter with baby goat
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Great granddaughter feeds baby goat
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Great-Grandaughter holds baby goat
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Great-grandaughters hold smallest baby goat
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Baby goats vie for bottle
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - Baby gets the bottle
Miki James:
4 Chimneys - A patchwork of goats
Miki James:
Geese on Lake Audubon - from west end
Miki James:
Small Green Heron hiding from me 2
Miki James:
Small Green Heron hiding from me 1
Miki James:
Two cats on sofa
Miki James:
Sleeping Arrow 2
Miki James:
Arrow at the window 1-Christmas 2004
Miki James:
Arrow at the window 2-Christmas 2004
Miki James:
Arrow at the Window 3-Christmas 2004
Miki James:
Arrow at the window 4-Christmas 2004