mikezickar: 1926: Self-Portrait (yeheedah)
mikezickar: 1930: Self-Portrait (Angeliu)
mikezickar: 1931, Frida and Diego Rivera (hkappespc)
mikezickar: 1937: The Deceased Dimas (Voitatti)
mikezickar: 1938: Self-Portrait with Monkey (ChristineC)
mikezickar: 1940: Der Schlaf (Sakule)
mikezickar: 1943: Monkeys (PandaVincent)
mikezickar: 1943: Self-Portrait with Monkeys
mikezickar: 1944: Die zerbrochene Saule (Sakule)
mikezickar: 1946: The Wounded Deer (Quahtreenich)
mikezickar: Frida Kahlo (Cruzin)
mikezickar: Quote (Cruzin)
mikezickar: 1938, Girl with Death Mask (libralida)
mikezickar: Kahlo (BeachyBlonde)
mikezickar: Kahlo
mikezickar: Parrots (YarnLady)
mikezickar: 1949, The Love Embrace of the Universe, The Eath, Diego, Me and Senor Xoloti (maleeng7)
mikezickar: 1944, La Columna rota (pjsubway)
mikezickar: Krida Kahlo (melvnoble)
mikezickar: Frida Kale-O (Sarah)
mikezickar: 1940, Self-Portrait dedicatedto Dr Eloesser (Alessia)
mikezickar: 1951, Still Life with Parrott (NurseGarry)
mikezickar: 1954, Viva la Vida (Boeva)