Mikey G Ottawa: Lennon / Ono With PM Trudeau - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Meeting Place - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: From The Other Side - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Candlelight Vigil To Come - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Yoko Ono, John Lennon, Youth Minister Allan Rock - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: It Was 30 Years Ago Today - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Sound Tech Sets Up Live Remote Interview - Ottawa 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Loosening Up The Interviewee - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Live Remote FM Radio Interview - Ottawa 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: R.I.P. John Lennon - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Chez 106 FM DJ Jock Cosmo / Remote Location - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: All Ages Crowd - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: In Memory Of John Lennon - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Peace Flame - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: John Lennon Vigil - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Centre Block Of Parliament At Dusk - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: Remembering John Lennon - Ottawa 08 12 10
Mikey G Ottawa: 1, 030, 078 Views Of Mikey G Ottawa's Flickr Pics - 01 04 2012