MikeLawton: Plans for yard mischief.
MikeLawton: Little bit of dirt in my poor little truck.
MikeLawton: Outline.
MikeLawton: Progress.
MikeLawton: The work continues.
MikeLawton: Warning: excessive manliness.
MikeLawton: Incoming interruption.
MikeLawton: Secret of a successful vegetable garden: bury a vampire every 3 feet.
MikeLawton: Just about done!
MikeLawton: The soon to be tenants of our newly-constructed garden.
MikeLawton: Whole bunch of veggies (one day)!
MikeLawton: Tomato Plants and Sunflower seeds
MikeLawton: Anti-bunny force field (a.k.a., chicken wire fence)
MikeLawton: Seeing green!
MikeLawton: Tomato towers and sunflower sprouts
MikeLawton: Soon-to-be-salad
MikeLawton: More green!
MikeLawton: First harvest!
MikeLawton: Hot stuff!
MikeLawton: We haz a sunflower!!
MikeLawton: Tomatoes, onions, beans. First big garden harvest has begun!
MikeLawton: First batch of salsa being made from our own garden!
MikeLawton: First batch ready to seal!
MikeLawton: All picked from our own garden, just this morning. Soon to be salsa'd.
MikeLawton: Second garden harvest. Tomatoes, peppers, onions, beets, carrots.
MikeLawton: Tomatoes have awesome names: Champion, Super Fantastic, Supersonic, Beefsteak...
MikeLawton: Final garden harvest of the season. These will ripen in the basement for a bit.