mike t-d: Vera.
mike t-d: Mike and Reg on the Llangollen Canal.
mike t-d: Auntie Sheila.
mike t-d: Tina and Cousin E, Llangollen Canal.
mike t-d: K and Tina.
mike t-d: Boatman K.
mike t-d: The grand banquet, Saturday night.
mike t-d: The smoking room at Trevor Hall.
mike t-d: The dining room at Trevor Hall.
mike t-d: The Moroccan bedroom.
mike t-d: Dalek and solarium in the White Bathroom.
mike t-d: Top floor corridor.
mike t-d: Sheila and Jimmy preparing breakfast.
mike t-d: Uncle Reg in the kitchen at Trevor Hall.
mike t-d: Rachel in the cinema room, Sunday morning.
mike t-d: Mike & mug.
mike t-d: Rachel.
mike t-d: Rachel.
mike t-d: Rachel.
mike t-d: The camera-shy Rob.
mike t-d: The distressingly handsome Warren.
mike t-d: Warren and Rachel: the look of love.
mike t-d: Warren and Rachel.
mike t-d: Warren and Rachel.
mike t-d: Warren and Rachel.
mike t-d: Sheep at Trevor Hall.
mike t-d: Sheep at Trevor Hall.
mike t-d: Gymnastics was never Mike's strong point.
mike t-d: DSC06302
mike t-d: Daisy.