Guanajuato In Focus: WVP - Beauty & Beast
Guanajuato In Focus: The Next Mountain - 2nd or 1st?
Guanajuato In Focus: Middle Brook
Guanajuato In Focus: The Middle Brook
Guanajuato In Focus: Da Dum DA Dum
Guanajuato In Focus: Is that Smoke?
Guanajuato In Focus: The Beast is Awake
Guanajuato In Focus: Full Frontal - The Beast
Guanajuato In Focus: View to the South
Guanajuato In Focus: Dark and Foreboding
Guanajuato In Focus: Going in Empty - Out Full
Guanajuato In Focus: Beauty after the Beast
Guanajuato In Focus: Buttermilk Falls
Guanajuato In Focus: Short Cut - Did I take it ?
Guanajuato In Focus: Washington Valley Park - 3/09
Guanajuato In Focus: Washington Valley Park - 3/09
Guanajuato In Focus: Washington Valley Park - 3/09