Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): The infamous cable section - seccion exigente con cables - Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Encelia farinosa - Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Vista at the top / vista al tope - ridgeline - Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Vista at the top / vista al tope - Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Vista at the top / vista al tope - Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Vista at the top / vista al tope - Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Sauromalus ater - the vegan zombie lizard - Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Climbing the last challenging section / subiendo la última sección difícil - Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): Hiking Picacho - 2013 Apr
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 13. Protected area leading toward the summit
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 15. SUMMIT - Picacho Peak
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 14. SUMMIT - Picacho Peak
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 09. Section of trail protected with cable and steel mesh
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 08. Steep vertical with steel rope on south side
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 20. Park office
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 19. Shadow - sombra - near end of hike on Hunter Trail
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 18. View staring WNW from Hunter Trail
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 17. Westward view from Hunter Trail
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 07. Sign near the bench at the saddle
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 10. Westward view from cables at final point of ascent of Hunter Trail
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 11. Cables at final point of ascent of Hunter Trail
Mike's Mode (Miguel H.): 05. Eastward view from bench at saddle