michaelwfreem: Poster about Jazz at Old Mint
michaelwfreem: Jazz Tree
michaelwfreem: Louis Armstrong song book 1927
michaelwfreem: Armstrong Statue at the Sheraton
michaelwfreem: Base of Statue at Sheraton
michaelwfreem: Armstrong at Algiers Point
michaelwfreem: Description at base of Algiers Point statue
michaelwfreem: Marker about the Jazz Walk of Fame
michaelwfreem: Rue Louis Armtrong
michaelwfreem: Text for Louis Armstrong's first cornet
michaelwfreem: Louis Armstrong's first cornet
michaelwfreem: Iberville and Storyville
michaelwfreem: Armstrong Park
michaelwfreem: Mahalia Jackson
michaelwfreem: Marker for Mahalia Jackson
michaelwfreem: Sculpture of Sidney Bechet
michaelwfreem: Plaque at base of Bechet
michaelwfreem: Biography of Bechet
michaelwfreem: Satue of Louis at Armstrong Park
michaelwfreem: One of two markers about Armstrong
michaelwfreem: This marker dedicated in 1980
michaelwfreem: Dedication of Louis Armstrong Park
michaelwfreem: Odd Statue design
michaelwfreem: Buddy Bolden
michaelwfreem: Master of improvisation
michaelwfreem: Congo Square sculpture
michaelwfreem: Marker for Congo Square statue
michaelwfreem: Mardi Gras Indian
michaelwfreem: Big Chief Tootie
michaelwfreem: Jazz Parade