michaelwfreem: Little Rock Central front
michaelwfreem: Little Rock Central side view
michaelwfreem: Visitors Center sign
michaelwfreem: Visitors Center
michaelwfreem: Dedication of the Visitors Center
michaelwfreem: Information placard outside
michaelwfreem: Map of neighborhood
michaelwfreem: painting of the Little Rock Nine
michaelwfreem: Photo of President Clinton with the nine
michaelwfreem: Opening statement
michaelwfreem: Part of the museum exhibits
michaelwfreem: Statues are similar to school's decorative front
michaelwfreem: Elizabeth Eckford is harrassed
michaelwfreem: Statement by Elizabeth Eckford
michaelwfreem: Central High Becomes a Battleground
michaelwfreem: US Army at the school
michaelwfreem: 1958 photo
michaelwfreem: students and Army troops
michaelwfreem: events in September
michaelwfreem: The Governor
michaelwfreem: Lost year exhibit
michaelwfreem: Crisis at Central High panel
michaelwfreem: Panel exhibits
michaelwfreem: Title of the exhibit
michaelwfreem: Panel shows television news
michaelwfreem: exhibit of 1960 sit in North Carolina
michaelwfreem: Restored gas station
michaelwfreem: Site map and restored gas station
michaelwfreem: gas station pump