MikeSisson: On its maiden (ignoring the first 39 years of life) voyage to the grocery store.
MikeSisson: Bike bell
MikeSisson: 1969 Folding Cinzia Elite
MikeSisson: Centin saddle
MikeSisson: Springy old saddle
MikeSisson: Chain guard with cool label
MikeSisson: The rear rack is part of the frame
MikeSisson: Saddle
MikeSisson: Shiny
MikeSisson: 1969 Folding Cinzia Elite
MikeSisson: 1969 Folding Cinzia Elite all folded up
MikeSisson: Cinzia head badge with Poseidon-like dude
MikeSisson: Friction generator on the front wheel
MikeSisson: Rack from above and rear light
MikeSisson: DSCF1922.JPG
MikeSisson: 1969 Folding Cinzia Elite
MikeSisson: Old school quick release that folds the bike in half
MikeSisson: June relaxing in the grass
MikeSisson: some wear on those straps
MikeSisson: How many bikes is too many?
MikeSisson: I need them all
MikeSisson: Derailer (as Sheldon would spell it)
MikeSisson: So shiny and clean!
MikeSisson: funny old pedal
MikeSisson: Cool shifter
MikeSisson: A little rust
MikeSisson: Why do I like taking fixies apart?
MikeSisson: Brake
MikeSisson: mud's eye view