MikeSchinkel: Me and my Congressman
MikeSchinkel: Sherry Mallory and friends
MikeSchinkel: john-lewis-open-house-nov-2007-8
MikeSchinkel: Kwanza Hall and friend
MikeSchinkel: john-lewis-open-house-nov-2007-2
MikeSchinkel: Jim Schneider and friend
MikeSchinkel: Me with Congressman John Lewis
MikeSchinkel: Flora Tommie and Sam Mahone
MikeSchinkel: Dustin Ogden and Friends
MikeSchinkel: Dustin Ogden and Friend
MikeSchinkel: Sherry Mallory and friends
MikeSchinkel: Anna Cherry and friends
MikeSchinkel: Flora Tommie and Sam Mahone
MikeSchinkel: Constituent waiting to see Congressman John Lewis
MikeSchinkel: Constituent waiting to see Congressman John Lewis
MikeSchinkel: John Lewis hugging a constituent
MikeSchinkel: john-lewis-open-house-nov-2007-3