audkawa: Prepping for my first mural painting at Worcester Art Museum in Massachusetts. For the Samurai show curated by Eric Nakamura @giantrobot @giantrobotstore . Show run from 4/18~9/6. @andrewhem @marillavanilla and I will be mural painting 5/4~5/9. come say h
Kittytoes: skeleton boy
nirrimi: Connection
paul heaston: triple self portrait in living room
paul heaston: sketching materials
jaguar404: Sunset session
Cómo parir olas.: reina del musgo
Onur Yeldan: Late night sketching. #sketch #sketchbook #sketches #sketchoftheday #drawing #art #doodle #illustration #doodling #characterdesign #character #cintiqcompanionhybrid #cintiqcompanion #cintiq #sketchbookapp #sketchbookpro #dog #boots
jugerardo :D: Vigilant
jugerardo :D: DSCF0424
jugerardo :D: Commute
Mosh Echacuervos: Sábado de cartas. / Letter-Saturday.
Mosh Echacuervos: Himmelstinte.
massiccio2007: salamandra
karrah.kobus: ryan + heather.
Leo Alvarado: Bjørg Lewis (take I)
Nando Velazquez: IMG_20130824_102901_662
tiastudio: 130817_JooChiat
PacoDeJalisco: Despierta Guadalajara