Mike Reva: 'Temple of the Sun'
Mike Reva: Selfie on the top of Demerdzhi
Mike Reva: Milky Way sinking in the Black sea
Mike Reva: Milky Way over the Laspi bay
Mike Reva: Mystical silhouette
Mike Reva: Charmed by the Abyss
Mike Reva: Disturbing sunset
Mike Reva: Cloudy Çatır Dağ
Mike Reva: View from Southern Demirdzhi
Mike Reva: Sunset over cape Qapçıq
Mike Reva: Southern Demerdzhi under stars
Mike Reva: The Abyss
Mike Reva: Milky Way over Demerdzhi plateau
Mike Reva: Last minutes of the night
Mike Reva: Lonely ship on the horizon
Mike Reva: Milky Way over the Laspi bay ll
Mike Reva: Camping on plateau AI-Petri
Mike Reva: Hiking in Crimea
Mike Reva: Moon rising over S.Demerdzhi
Mike Reva: Milky Way as seen from AI-Petri
Mike Reva: On the edge
Mike Reva: On the top of Southern Demerdzhi
Mike Reva: Last minutes of the night ll
Mike Reva: On the edge II
Mike Reva: Alpine meadows of Çatır Dağ, Crimea
Mike Reva: Alpine meadows of Çatır Dağ ll, Crimea
Mike Reva: Alpine meadows of Çatır Dağ lll, Crimea
Mike Reva: The beauty of nautical twilight, Crimea
Mike Reva: Warm night on the beach, Crimea
Mike Reva: Sunset over cape Qapçıq, Crimea