Mikenan1: Sometimes it's as if they know how to pose
Mikenan1: Owen as "Woody"
Mikenan1: Aki as "Jessie"
Mikenan1: Owen and Aki reading to themselves
Mikenan1: Eating ice cream at makeshift tables
Mikenan1: Owen and Aki with their wiki stix creations
Mikenan1: The ice cream truck came by.
Mikenan1: Snack presents from Aunty Juanita and Uncle Punn
Mikenan1: Snack presents from Aunty Juanita and Uncle Punn
Mikenan1: Sprinkler Aki
Mikenan1: Aki mermaid, Owen ??
Mikenan1: Ichiro #1
Mikenan1: Measuring up against whale
Mikenan1: Owen riding his bicycle to go watch the Tinman Triathlon bicycle segment
Mikenan1: Two Stellalunas
Mikenan1: Goodies from Aunty Kathy
Mikenan1: Ready to ride?
Mikenan1: Horseback Riding in Waimea
Mikenan1: Horseback Riding in Waimea
Mikenan1: Horseback Riding in Waimea
Mikenan1: Owen riding on daddy's back
Mikenan1: Aki getting her ride
Mikenan1: Kids with bride and groom
Mikenan1: Owen and Aki
Mikenan1: I got a doggy and a doggy hat!
Mikenan1: Aki and mama with hats
Mikenan1: Owen by the garbage cans with some of his loot
Mikenan1: Aki on the hunt
Mikenan1: Here we are!
Mikenan1: Blowing out candles using the from-above technique