mikemac29: Stonewall Jackson's tomb in the cemetary that bears his name in Lexington.
mikemac29: Unfortunately the parade grounds were empty on a monday. Fridays are the days for parades at VMI.
mikemac29: VMI
mikemac29: Right down the street is the Virginia Military Institute
mikemac29: Oh and the General's horse is buried outside the chapel as well
mikemac29: A picturesque view of Washington and Lee
mikemac29: This is the chapel at Washington and Lee University. Robert E. Lee is buried underneath it.
mikemac29: The sun is setting on this day
mikemac29: Creepy garden at Westover. Yes that is a tomb in the center of the garden!
mikemac29: A view of the James from the Westover plantation
mikemac29: Plantation Road
mikemac29: The Berkely Plantation
mikemac29: Jamestowne Tricentennial monument
mikemac29: This cross marks the spot of a mass grave of settlers who perished during the "starving time".
mikemac29: A statue of John Smith overlooks the James River
mikemac29: A statue of Pocahontas
mikemac29: This church sits on the same spot that the original church sat, atop the same foundation.
mikemac29: The oldest road in America, at the site of the Jamestowne Settlement
mikemac29: The main hall of William and Mary
mikemac29: The campus of William and Mary in Williamsburg
mikemac29: Just fiddling around
mikemac29: Fort
mikemac29: Colonial Capitol
mikemac29: Horse and buggy
mikemac29: Church in Colonial Williamsburg
mikemac29: Washington, and other famous Virginians, outside the Statehouse
mikemac29: Washington inside the Statehouse
mikemac29: One of the houses along Monument Ave
mikemac29: Robert E. Lee
mikemac29: Stonewall Jackson's monument