mikemac29: Looking up Wall Street to Trinity Church
mikemac29: NYSE
mikemac29: Everyone wants their picture taken with the bull.
mikemac29: The Sphere from WTC
mikemac29: Ground Zero, 4 plus years later.
mikemac29: The Queen Mary at dock
mikemac29: A view of the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings in the skyline
mikemac29: Lady Liberty
mikemac29: We took the ferry out to Liberty Island
mikemac29: This is City Hall
mikemac29: Late October 2001. Smoke is still rising over the former site of the Worl d Trade Center
mikemac29: If you look carefully at the buildings you can see the damage done to them by the falling towers.
mikemac29: sphinx
mikemac29: skating
mikemac29: Radio City
mikemac29: Saint Patrick's
mikemac29: Tributes to NYPD heroes
mikemac29: No words..
mikemac29: A firehouse mourns it's lost..
mikemac29: marinepark
mikemac29: Brooklyn Bridge
mikemac29: Washington Square
mikemac29: The perfect cookie
mikemac29: Not ready yet
mikemac29: "taxi"
mikemac29: Waldorf Astoria looking up to the Met Life Building
mikemac29: United Nations
mikemac29: United Nations
mikemac29: Hyatt and Chrysler Building
mikemac29: Grand Central Terminal